Thankfully, the artist did draw a remote on the table. You weren't sure what any of the buttons did since none of them had labels, so you pressed the one in the top corner. That was usually the power button. The TV sprung to life, its black screen still smudging over the view of the show's contents, as if poorly erased.

The contents of the show were an animatic of two stick figures, caught in a battle. It wasn't too well choreographed, and while it took you a minute, you realized it eventually looped around 20 seconds in.

Of course. Not even stick figures partaking in gratuitous violence for your entertainment could get endings around here. You turned the TV off. If you wanted to watch stick figures fighting, you could've just done so on Weaver's laptop. You stop for a moment, imagining a much cooler, well-animated stick fight than the one on tv. Maybe you should've stolen the Weaver's computer to do that.
