If you are not, then welcome. Eggman presumes I do not retain free will--this is incorrect, but could be simply remedied, thus the above warning. From my understanding, most not in direct collaboration with the doctor are strongly against him, so I feel safe having discussion out of the empire's earshot.
I will use this website as a log of sorts. But really this site is for your sake as much as my own. If Eggman chooses to alter my memory, I will know the memories cataloged here are real. Of course not all of these memories will be important, in fact they may stray towards the mundane. But this is my blog. And really, saying what I want is the point of it, without having to justify the space I take.
And for you, I believe some of my anecdotes may come as entertaining. Or at the very least, a glimpse into a different perspective than what you are used to.